PAN is lead by Patrick Newell a Catalyst, Activist and Learning Future Moderator who connects people, companies and organizations with their potential future. He has created learning models, processes and frameworks to shift the mindset and actions of young children though Senior Executives. Patrick’s focus is to align people/nature wth technology to reach the highest level of creative collective intelligence.
Patrick is the Co-founder of Tokyo International School established in 1995, a 21st Century model school in many areas of education and learning which has students from 45 countries, and Living Dreams, an NPO established in 2006 that enriches the lives of orphans from children’s homes in Japan.
He launched TEDxTokyo in 2008, as the first TEDx, TEDxYouth & TEDxTeachers events outside of USA that focuses on bringing thinkers, doers and innovators from Japan and beyond to share ideas.
Through his innovative experiences, he created “21:21”, a short documentary film in 2012 aligning 21st century learning with 21st century learners, and the role of parents as primary educators. This also him to write in 2015 “21st Century Skills to Nurture a Children’s Future“ which shares with parents tips on choosing schools, programs and during family time what they can choose to engage and nurture children their children through the 21st Century.
He also founded 21 Foundation, an organization which focuses on the future of learning for all ages and supports and advances many major companies, conferences and projects through prototypes, intra-organizational contests, collaborative production of new concepts and visions.
In September 2017, Patrick and team hosted SingularityU Japan Summit which is the first Summit event held in Japan. During the past year, 21 Foundation piloted a membership program with Singularity University with 10 large Japanese companies all in different industries. The focus of this program is to transform the members to align with the fast paced exponential technological change.
Through projects with meaning and purpose, 21Foundation believes that our role is to bring shine to our daily lives by serving others and staying in our heart when we communicate.